Friday, November 9, 2007

So much stuff!

Let's see, so far I've saved the date for the wedding and set a date for the engagement photo shoot. I've gotten a new camera.

Now, I have to get a good photo for business cards and get those made up. I need to get a new flash unit and a light meter. Somewhere along the line I should acquire some confidence in what I'm doing. I need to get a website set up - gotta talk to David about that! - which means I need to hit up everyone I know to pose for me!!

Funny, but when I wasn't being paid, I had all the confidence in the world. Now I'm shaking in my boots. I am learning a ton though. I can't wait to get some studio lights and get a studio set up. I just want to take awesome pictures and have people love them.

And pay me for them! Okay. At least I'm honest.

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