Tuesday, November 20, 2007

My mission in life!!

The Bible tells us not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought to. Sadly, many of us don't give ourselves enough credit.

I've said before that I think every woman should have a picture of herself that makes her feel beautiful. I mean it. Everyone should be able to see their own beauty. Not worship it, but believe it. Know that even when life is pouring lemons on you and you can't find your juicer, you still have worth and value and beauty.

Such is the case for my little sister in law. She's been a single mom for many years. She's been buried in life for so long that she was forgetting that she's a beautiful woman. This weekend, we did some pictures (some! more like 250!!) and I hope that some of the images that result will help her to remember that her beauty is not just inside. It's outside too.

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