Friday, June 6, 2008

Scrapping fun

Well, I got a chance to go to one of my lss yesterday. I spent more than I intended to...but I can't help myself!

To be honest, there is one person I would really like to scrap like - even though our styles are not overly similar -- my best friend Drea. I just love her style! But mine is different and she has one thing that I don't. Well, she has lots of stuff I don't, but one of the main ones is patience. She takes her time with each layout. You can see it in the resulting works of art. Mine tend to be whirlwind creations! But she's the one I have to thank for introducing me to my favorite hobby and sanity saver which lead to my other two hobbies and sanity savers!

Here are a couple of recent creations:

1 comment:

Drea said...

Awww.....sniffle. You are soo sweet. Remember what I told you when we first started scrapping? There is no RIGHT way or WRONG way to scrap. The whole point it to get those pictures in your albums with some journaling.......and that is what you are doing!! AND I MUST point out.........Your pictures are ALL works of art!! You are soo talented!

I'm so glad we both share this hobby.......I miss our Friday Night Crops!! Maybe this fall, I can come to your house and work on layouts while the kids are at skate night!!