...it pours.
Mike had a particularly hard day at work this week. He came home exhausted and worn out. And with a nice souvenier: an umbillical hernia. Surgery with two to four weeks of recovery time is NOT what we need right before Christmas. At least it's a work-related injury so I don't have to fret over the medical bills. I have to worry about the "workman's comp doctor" sending him back to work to soon, but I'll just trust God there.
So, I've been following this gender debate on the blogosphere. There seems to be this rising force in American christianity that would have us go back to the first century for women's rights. In the extreme right we have folks who believe that men are the head not only of the home and church but all of life. Women shouldn't vote. Daughters should be the "helpmeet" of their fathers until they get married. Women should not use birth control at all and have as many babies as possible. Children should be homeschooled and daughters should never be exposed to such terrible influences such as found on college campuses.
I kid you not.
Look up Vision Forum, Doug Phillips' blog and other very google-able keywords that are in the above narrative.
On the other extreme you will find folks who believe in complete equality. No leadership happens based soley on gender. All men do not have authority over all women. Women can and should be ordained as elders/pastors. They also don't believe that husbands are in authority over wives.
Somewhere in the middle is the truth. That's what I believe. I think that honest, God-fearing, God-loving believers who self-identify with both sides (complimentarian and egalitarian) can have happy marriages. And, frankly, those believers on boths sides of the fence who are living their marriages out are indistinguishable from the other. You just can't always tell unless one of them tells you.
I say all that to say this: there are a few on the egalitarian side (my side, for what it's worth) that I follow. I enjoy reading the Complegalitarian blog. I read the Christians for Biblical Equality blog. I read Wade Burelson's blog. (I read the "other side" too, btw, just to see what's being said). But there are some on that "other side" that I tend to stay away from and demonize. Marc Driscoll is one of those.
He's the pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle, WA. He's known for wearing jeans and t-shirts and hoodies instead of three-piece suits when he preaches. He's known for his killer wit and mocking of just about every sort of group. He's unapologetic on his beliefs and has no trouble going toe-to-toe with anyone. He's been labeled as a mysoginist by Christian Feminists.
During a discussion on abortion, the topic of birth control came up. Someone on a blog linked this sermon:
http://www.marshillchurch.org/media/religionsaves/birth-controlI listened to it.
I changed my mind.
In another sermon in that series, he talks about doctrines that should divide us (such as the trinity or salvation through Jesus Christ alone). But other doctrines are not as important and we can agree to disagree. I've decided that it's a good thing to call Marc Driscoll my brother in Christ.
If you get a chance, and have no beverages in front of you (spew danger), check out this sermon:
http://www.marshillchurch.org/media/religionsaves/humorMy sides still hurt from this one!